Dicas interessantes para a semana que vem: Webinários!!
Jah participei de alguns, acho que vale a pena... inclusive poderia se tornar um padrão em algumas empresas que esperam dos funcionários alguma formação, e disponibilizam o ambiente de trabalho para o estudo. Lá vai:
Thursday, Jan 24, 2008
11:00am to 12:00pm PST (2:00pm to 3:00pm EST) Webinar Presentation
12:00pm to 1:00pm PST (3:00pm to 4:00pm EST) Q&A Followup
Presented by CEO and Senior Consultant: Alan Shalloway.
Today, what is required is helping the entire enterprise become Agile? What is an Agile Enterprise? An enterprise that can respond quickly to customer, environment and internal changes to create a competitive advantage. This requires much more than merely trying to apply practices that work for local teams to the entire enterprise - that approach is too simplistic. This Agile Enterprise-perspective is one of the biggest differences between current Agile practitioners and those going beyond Scrum. This webinar discusses the essential approaches to making an Agile Enterprise: approaches that also create structures that enable Agile teams to work even more efficiently.
Connection details will be sent to registrants via email a few days before the event.
Learn more about and register for the Post-Agile Scrum
Using Scrum for Effective Product Management

Scrum is a process framework that enables lean, agile, and competitive approaches to product management and development. While Scrum is conceptually simple and involves only a few roles, artifacts, and ceremonies, its practices demand discipline and its implementation causes a paradigm shift in product management and development. Many teams and organizations implement Scrum practices, but don't readily absorb its underlying philosophy, and thus don't maximize their return on adoption as they enact its practices.
This session is a introduction to how Product Management can be more effective when using Scrum; how to absorb its philosophy and enact its practices for maximum return. In particular, how Scrum may be used in combination with the Pragmatic Marketing Framework to produce the most positive impact for a product management team.
Register for this event
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